




在圣母, we measure student success by more than just grades or salary in a first job: we help our students fully develop their intellect, 字符, 和技能.  话虽如此, our students go on to highly successful careers in a variety of professional fields, 读一些最受尊敬的研究生院, 并获得了一些全国最负盛名的奖学金.  The strong foundation students receive prepares them to take on the many challenges 和 opportunities that await after graduation.  At the same time – 和 just as importantly – a Marist education instills a firm commitment to serving others 和 promoting the social good.  无论我们的学生最终选择什么样的职业道路, the Marist educational experience prepares them to lead lives that are both rewarding 和 meaningful.  这就是成功的定义.


The 理学院 takes pride in our ability to prepare our graduates to make a national impact! We also work closely with students who wish to live 和 work in the Hudson Valley, 纽约大都会区, 或者任何他们称之为家的地方.

Students 和 alumni in the School have a tradition of excelling in both their studies 和 in their careers.  自2006年以来, 六名圣母学院学生获得了金水奖学金, the premier national scholarship awarded to undergraduate students in the fields of mathematics, 自然科学, 和工程.  仅在2016-17学年,两名学生, 亚历克 Lee ' 18卡罗琳·特科特18岁,都是戈德华特奖得主. 亚历克, 从奥尔巴尼, 纽约, majored in environmental policy 和 conducted environmental toxicology research.  卡洛琳, a biomedical science 和 biochemistry double major from Hopewell Junction, 纽约, 从事一个分子遗传学项目. Both were students in the College’s 荣誉项目 和 plan to attend graduate school.  亚历克 和 卡洛琳 are two of only 240 students nationwide to be chosen Goldwater Scholars from a pool of 1,286年被提名者. 在纽约州的学院和大学里, 13所学校的学生获得了戈德华特奖学金, 只有5个学校有两个学生被认出.  

克罗伊Laconsay 克罗伊·拉康赛,16年 被授予富布赖特奖,与博士一起研究化学键. 以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学的沙伊克说.  克罗伊出生于旧金山,在夏威夷长大. 在圣母, he majored in chemistry 和 philosophy with a minor in mathematics 和 conducted research under the direction of Dr. 约翰·加尔布雷斯.  克罗伊还参与了bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学和德克萨斯大学的夏季研究&M University (funded by the National 科学 Foundation); he presented the results of his research at American Chemical Society national meetings in Boston 和 San Diego.  在以色列的富布赖特之后, his long-range goal is to become a chemistry professor focusing on computational organic chemistry, 同时继续他对科学哲学的研究. 克罗伊被全额资助的博士学位录取了.D. 他是加州大学戴维斯分校的教授.

之前的金水奖获得者, 凯西 DeBlase Mulzer ' 11, recently received the DSM 科学 和 Technology Award Americas 2017 at the annual American Chemical Society meeting in Washington DC.  The award 识别s 凯西’s discovery of redox-active Covalent Organic Frameworks as a technology platform for energy storage. 皇家帝, 活跃于健康领域的全球性科学公司, 营养, 和材料, presents the 科学 和 Technology Award Americas as part of its Bright 科学 Awards program, 哪一个是用来培养的, 识别, 奖励重点研究领域的优秀者.  The Awards have been given out for more than a quarter-century 和 are meant to honor bright young scientists in Europe, 亚洲, 和美洲. 凯西, 谁是玛丽斯特学院2011届毕业生致告别辞的代表, 后来在康奈尔大学获得了有机化学博士学位, where she received the Bauer Scholarship Award for her outst和ing graduate work. 她目前在马萨诸塞州马尔伯勒的陶氏电子公司工作.

Andrew DeBlase ' 09, 另一位戈德华特学者, 最近在他的领域获得了一个非常有声望的国家奖项, the 2016 American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Postdoctoral Career Development Award.  颁奖, 哪些值10美元,000, promote the professional career development of postdoctoral fellows in the field of mass spectrometry. 安德鲁博士毕业了.D. in physical chemistry from 耶鲁大学 University in 2014 和 since then has been a postdoctoral fellow at 普渡大学 University.  他打算从事学术界的事业.

凯迪娜·坎贝尔·彼得森11年级 也在留下她的印记吗.  从学院毕业获得生物学学位后, 凯迪娜在康奈尔大学获得了遗传学硕士学位, 和 she is currently pursuing a doctorate in science education at Teachers College of 哥伦比亚大学.  She teaches biology at the renowned Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, New Hampshire. 她获得了2017年圣母学院青年校友奖.

理学院的毕业生都是执业医师, 医疗专业人员, 大学教授, 和 senior administrators 和 executives in the science 和 healthcare industries.  校友们继续在组织中从事有回报的职业, 包括Caremount Medical, 急救医疗协会, 纪念斯隆·凯特琳癌症中心, 纽约长老会医院, 纽约大学, 本足球俱乐部, 马萨诸塞大学医学院, 瓦萨兄弟医疗中心.



  • 关闭 to 30 percent of graduates from our Medical Technology program since 1998 are employed at the nation's Top 20 Hospitals as listed by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道.



  • 过去几年的毕业生已被M.S. 和Ph值.D. 我们国家一些最好的大学的项目, 包括康奈尔大学, 哥伦比亚, 杜克大学, 耶鲁大学, SUNY-ESF, 普渡大学, 佐治亚理工学院, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 德州, 印第安纳州, 西北大学, 还有更多.
  • Our athletic training students have gone on to graduate programs 和 have worked with professional sports organizations. One is currently employed as an Assistant Athletic Trainer with the Washington Redskins. Another worked with the San Francisco 49ers before becoming an Assistant Athletic Trainer for football at the University of California, 伯克利. Another notable AT grad is now a member of the Marist Athletic Training Education Program faculty.
  • 在过去的几年里, our students have been selected for competitive summer research internships at sites such as Harvard Medical School, 冷泉港实验室, 美国国立卫生研究院, 史密森尼环境研究中心, 零售物价指数, 康奈尔大学, 哥伦比亚大学, 夏威夷大学, 华盛顿大学, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 等.
  • Our graduates are or have been employed by nationally known organizations such as Bayer, Pfizer, U.S. 食物 & 药品监督管理局, 环境保护署, 礼来公司, 德士古公司, IBM, 哈德逊河单桅帆船, 富兰克林研究所科学博物馆(费城), Verizon无线, 反对爱迪生, 和达纳法伯癌症中心, 仅举几个例子.

图片:著名景点. • Caremount Medical • Jersey Shore University Medical Center • Massachusetts General Hospital • Memorial Sloan Kettering • NYS Department of Environmental Conservation • Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research • Nyack Hospital • Orange Regional Medical Center • PhysAssist Scribes • Premier Medical Group • Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, 公司. •陶森运动医学


  • 自1999年以来, our pre-med students have enjoyed a 78 percent rate of acceptance to medical schools, 相比之下,全国平均水平不到这一比例的一半. Medical schools that have accepted our students since 1999 include Medical College of Virginia, 康奈尔大学威尔医学院, 纽约州立大学北部医疗中心, 托马斯·杰斐逊大学, 还有很多其他的.
  • We have an early assurance plan with the School of Dental Medicine at Tufts University in Boston, 和 a priority admission program with the Arizona School of Health 科学s in the Phoenix area.
  • Marist students 和 alumni have received a notable number of baccalaureate awards for the merit 和 contributions to their field. 了解更多.