Student at CCS

Center for Career Services

Unlock Your Professional Potential

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选择职业道路是一个贯穿整个大学和以后的过程. It involves discovering individual potential, learning about career fields, 并在高质量的组织中获得与职业相关的经验. 就业服务中心提供各种各样的项目和信息,帮助学生和校友设定职业目标.

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如果不是因为bet亚洲365欢迎投注优秀的就业服务办公室,以及我在本科期间遇到的优秀教授和导师, I would not be where I am today.

Jennamichelle Merolla

Ad Sales, NBC Universal

Looking back on my time at Marist, the support I received from professors, the Career Center, SGA advisors, and friends has been exceptional. 他们是真正关心你幸福的专业人士/导师.

Roda A. Mohamed

Investment Banking Analyst, Goldman Sachs

bet亚洲365欢迎投注的教职员工对我的成长和学习的奉献和投入,帮助我找到了一份我喜欢的工作,并帮助我第一次培养了在企业界工作所需的信心. 通过不断发送邮件,了解机会、社交活动、简历研讨会等.在美国,我能够探索无数的职业道路,并了解什么与我的兴趣一致.

Genesis Batista Lopez

Compliance Risk Consultant, KPMG

我在bet亚洲365欢迎投注的教授们强调软技能和技术技能一样重要,并努力建立超越课堂和学期的师生关系. With the help of my professors, 我的技术技能和人际关系使我获得了很多机会.

Nicholas Mays

Associate Consultant, Microsoft

When the time came to think about my future, 在整个求职和面试过程中,职业服务中心对我的帮助很大. 他们是我的啦啦队长,给了我难以置信的支持,让我觉得好像天空是极限.

Natalie Garcia

Associate Producer, DailyMailTV

Start Your Career with Confidence

拥有圣母学位和50多个网络,000 Red Fox alumni, you’ll enter the workforce with confidence, 要知道你的简历不仅仅有强大的学术支持, but also valuable experiences in the field.  Outcomes Archive >

Coming Soon: Career Services' New Facility

戴森中心正在进行扩建和改进,其占地面积将增加一倍,并将成为就业服务中心的新家. 新的戴森中心将引进最先进的资源和创新的学术空间,进一步促进体验, hands-on learning to the Marist community. 就业服务中心将很快变成一个邀请, 互动空间位于新咖啡厅附近的中心, 使其成为完美的网络协作中心, mentorship experiences, panel events, career fairs, and more.

Red Fox Ready for the Real World

Uncover Your Career Interests

我们将促进评估并帮助您找到贷款 career exploration courses.

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Qualify for Internship Funding

We’ll help you apply for financial support 实习经历往往没有报酬或报酬过低.

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Make Alumni Connections

We work with the Marist Alumni Career Network 将在校学生和应届毕业生与在各自领域取得成功的校友联系起来.

Explore the Job Market

We source literature about current and emerging career trends.

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Prepare for your Job Hunt

We’ll help you create a thorough job search plan and identify potential employers.

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Pursue Fellowships and Graduate Study

We support you one-on-one through applications, entrance exams, and registration.

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Your Path to Success

选择职业道路是一个贯穿整个大学和以后的过程. It involves discovering individual potential, learning about career fields, 并在高质量的组织中获得与职业相关的经验. 就业服务中心提供各种各样的项目和信息,以帮助学生和校友设定职业目标和寻找工作.


Career Services Available to Students and Alumni

  • Career Resources: Our team offers books, pamphlets, digital materials, and other resources describing career fields, employment outlook, and emerging career trends. We also offer FOCUS 2, 一个有职业和研究生数据库的计算机辅助指导程序. 玛丽斯特校友职业网络帮助在校生通过与校友的对话了解职业领域.

  • Career Assessment学生的职业评估包括启发性的自我评估, enhancing career decision-making skills, and honing interest identification.

  • Pre-Professional and Graduate School Advisement:针对那些想要学习专业预科和研究生课程的学生, 我们花一对一的时间与个别学生帮助他们选择学校, applications, entrance examinations and studying, preparation of registration materials, as well as our annual Graduate School Forum.

  • Career Courses: Marist College offers a number of career courses 旨在帮助学生在他们的大学经历的各个阶段追求理想的职业道路.

  • Job Search Preparation: Our team assists in resume development, cover letter writing, interview preparation, and job research skills. 我们帮助学生制定全面的求职计划,并确定潜在的雇主.

  • Employment Services: We offer internship and career opportunities, job-hunting directories, brochures, and employer information. Our team organizes on-campus interviews, 以及秋季和春季的就业和实习博览会, 哪些成功地为学生找到了完美的毕业后实习或工作.

  • Internship Funding: 总统实习奖学金帮助有经济需求的学生在这些经验通常没有报酬或报酬过低的领域和地点获得实习机会.  Click here to review deadlines and submit your application.