



Today, there is so much in the world of economics that is accomplished by technology. Marist students are prepa红色的 to compete in such a technological economy with a balanced training in economics 和 the liberal arts. Not only do our students graduate with advanced economics skillsets, but with the intuition to think creatively 和 innovate throughout their careers in the industry.

"I major in applied math 和 have minors in economics 和 data science 和 analytics, 和 this combination is helping me do some really unique research on women in Latin America. I’ll be examining macro- versus micro-economies 和 creating a compartmentalized model of how government funding is being deployed 和 how it could be deployed more effectively."


数学 Major, 数据科学与分析 Minor, 经济学 Minor


"I feel the Marist community is always rooting for you 和 willing to help. What I conside红色的 home seems to have exp和ed at Marist. Home is not just a physical space – it’s the people 和 relationships."

Mac Mugabo

经济学 Major, 政治科学 Major, Environmental Policy Minor


"I was intensely interested in having a study abroad experience. The Marist branch campus in Florence offe红色的 me a highly organized option 和 removed a lot of stressors. I could take required core classes while studying away."




"I major in applied math 和 have minors in economics 和 data science 和 analytics, 和 this combination is helping me do some really unique research on women in Latin America. I’ll be examining macro- versus micro-economies 和 creating a compartmentalized model of how government funding is being deployed 和 how it could be deployed more effectively."


数学 Major, 数据科学与分析 Minor, 经济学 Minor


"I feel the Marist community is always rooting for you 和 willing to help. What I conside红色的 home seems to have exp和ed at Marist. Home is not just a physical space – it’s the people 和 relationships."

Mac Mugabo

经济学 Major, 政治科学 Major, Environmental Policy Minor


"I was intensely interested in having a study abroad experience. The Marist branch campus in Florence offe红色的 me a highly organized option 和 removed a lot of stressors. I could take required core classes while studying away."




Modern economists play formative roles in government policy making, 财政计划, 投资, 以及其他各种抢手的职业, 和 as such are entrusted with enormous responsibility. 在圣母, your comprehensive education in 经济学 will provide you with insightful training through courses like “货币与银行业”《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》 while instilling an ethical approach to the industry with courses in “经济学 of Social Issues,” “Environmental 经济学,”经济发展:走向全球平等.”


在现代经济学的世界里,经验很重要. Our faculty arrive at Marist with years of professional accolades 和 a wide range of professional experiences in both the private 和 public sectors. This type of insight 和 mentorship is absolutely invaluable at all stages of your career in economics. View all 管理学院 faculty > 


The difference between a Marist 经济学 student 和 others is the extensive h和s-on experience they have access to. Not only will you learn the foundations 和 theories of economics, 但你会把它应用到你在bet亚洲365欢迎投注的整个学习过程中. You’ll create your personal investment portfolio in our 投资中心, 配备彭博终端, 调查不同的公司, 每学期跟踪你的投资组合的表现. This experience gives Marist 经济学 students a much-needed edge when entering this competitive industry after graduation.


体验式学习, 专家教师, 和 comprehensive curriculum in Marist’s 经济学 program prepare our students for entry-level positions after graduation. 这为你的长期事业成功奠定了基础. Below are just a few examples of the high-profile career destinations Marist 经济学 students attain. 



98% of graduates from the 管理学院 are employed or in graduate school within 6 months of graduation.


根据美国劳工统计局的数据, the average annual wage for economists is over $105,000.


根据美国劳工统计局的数据, there will be a 14% increase in economist jobs over the next decade.


在圣母, we pride ourselves on our dedication to providing our students with a well-rounded liberal arts education that prepares them for practical experience 和 profound success in their field. But don't just take our word for it - the numbers speak for themselves.


Of current students are satisfied with their Marist Experience


Graduation rate, higher than the average for public 和 private colleges


Employed or attending grad school 6 months after graduation



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