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School of Liberal Arts

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Educational Experience

Students in the School of Liberal Arts (SLA) enjoy small class sizes, which lead to active mentorship on the part of our faculty, 谁引导学生找到他们来这里之前可能从未预料到的机会. Students perform original research at the FDR Presidential Museum & Library; present their work at national and international conferences; share their expertise with community partners here in Dutchess County; and complete internships in locations as close as Manhattan or Albany, or internationally through programs in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. Through their endless curiosity, hard work, and strategic planning, 学生-在教师的帮助下-准备好自己真正在玛丽斯特以外的世界有所作为.


Graphic of: Approval Rates. 93% are satisfied with their academic experience. 94% are satisfied with Marist’s academic services. 95% are satisfied with Marist’s student services. 91% would recommend Marist to a future student.


Undergraduate Research and Creative Work

Working in close collaboration with one another and with faculty members, bet亚洲365欢迎投注的英语专业学生积极参与围绕诗歌的广泛对话, fiction, and scholarship. 英语课堂与外部世界之间的界限具有很强的渗透性. Students read Civil War literary works and archival materials, then travel to Gettysburg to see battle sites and artifacts for themselves. 有充分依据的学术论点和精心构思的诗歌不仅与同学分享, 而是在诸如西格玛Tau Delta年度会议之类的聚会上, the national English honor society. Students share their innovations in digital forms as well. Long Live the Book is an anthology of essays written by members of Dr. Angela Laflen's senior capstone course.


Student Clubs & Leadership Opportunities

丰富多样的社团为SLA提供了强烈的社区意识和许多积极的学生领导机会. Clubs and affiliated organizations include:

  • The Literary Arts Society, which coordinates a variety of gatherings, including an annual "Harry Potter Night" and annual poetry slam.
  • The Marist College Club of Theatre Arts这是一个由学生管理的组织,与bet亚洲365欢迎投注剧院项目合作. 
  • Phi Alpha Theta/History Club, the College's chapter of the national History Honor Society. 该组织是一个专业协会,其使命是通过鼓励研究来促进历史研究, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. 
  • Sigma Tau Delta, the College's chapter of the national English Honor Society. 除了促进参与西格玛头三角洲的年度会议, 该分会每学期都会举办一些非正式的活动,比如“文学甜点”比赛.


Student-run publications

  • The CircleThe Circle是bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学的学生办的报纸,在这份报纸上,学生们有机会撰写和编辑bet亚洲365欢迎投注bet亚洲365欢迎投注和事件的文章. The Circle is published every week and appears in print seven times a semester. 
  • The Generator: The Generator is Marist's arts and entertainment magazine. 该杂志每学期出版一次,包括从时尚到电子游戏再到音乐的各种文章.
  • The Mosaic: 《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》是文艺学会每学期出版的文学杂志. All students, not just English majors or minors, are encouraged to submit their creative pieces or artwork to The Mosaic.
  • Fox Forum: 《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》是文学艺术学会每学期出版一次的学生学术期刊.



实习为二语习得学生探索职业未来提供了重要途径. 超过一半的学生在本科期间完成了实习, 这个小组的学生在不同的地点完成两个或更多的任务是很常见的. 学生可以选择利用学院靠近纽约市的优势:最近在曼哈顿的SLA实习场所包括Pegasus出版社和Us杂志. Another option is the Albany Summer Internship Program, 什么能让学生从内部人士的角度来看待政治沟通, politics, and public policy in New York State’s capital city. 其他学生在哈德逊河谷地区找到实习机会,或在档案馆完成校园实习 & Special Collections in the Cannavino Library, at the Writing Center, or at the Hudson River Valley Institute. 学生还定期完成实习,作为他们在英国国际学习的一部分, Australia, and other sites.

Graphic of: Internships at Marist. 83%的学生在bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学期间参加过一次或多次实习,许多人认为实习是他们被聘用的主要原因.


Global Experiences

国际研究已成为第二语言习得学术文化的一个重要方面. 跨文化探究和全球意识不仅是世界语言和文化系和全球研究辅修课程的学科重点, but also to other majors. The Political Science Department, for example, 为学生提供在伦敦汉萨德学会学者项目实习的机会,并参加在哈德逊河谷举行的学生世界事务会议. 历史系和英语系都提供短期海外学习项目(见下文).

SLA学生对长期或短期海外项目的高水平参与(约占2016年SLA毕业生的50%)改变了课堂内外的对话. 学生们在获得富布赖特奖学金和其他著名的奖学金以促进他们的国际学习方面取得了巨大的成功.

Graphic of: Exploring Diverse Cultures. A requisite for effective leadership in a complex and diverse society. Seventh in the U.S. for long-term study abroad.


Recent and Upcoming Short-Term Abroad Programs in the Liberal Arts

  • Shakespeare in London: Studying the Bard of Stratford: 最受欢迎和长期存在的文科学院春季实习项目之一, 这门课程包括为期两周的伦敦和斯特拉特福德之旅,以最好的方式探索莎士比亚的戏剧——在环球剧院和其他场所表演.
  • Dominican Republic: Spanish & Technology: 西班牙语副教授Kevin Gaugler和信息系统副教授Carolyn Matheus是这个春季实习项目的联合主任, 在为多米尼加共和国的学校提供重要支持的同时,让学生提高他们在西班牙语或信息技术/系统方面的熟练程度.
  • Dubliners: Fiction Writing in Ireland: 这个春假项目由英语副教授Tommy Zurhellen领导. Focusing on either creative writing or literature, 学生们将探索作家们与都柏林城市的艺术和文化宝藏打交道的不同方式.
  • Judaism: History, Literature, and Culture: 由英语副教授Joshua Kotzin和Steve Sansola教授领导, 这个春季实习项目为学生提供了通过匈牙利旅行探索犹太文化的机会, Germany, Austria, and Slovakia.