

劳伦Benetua Image




沟通 & 艺术



Lauren Benetua is a member of Marist's M.A. 2013届博物馆学专业毕业. She received a BA in Art 历史 from the University of California, Santa Cruz. She is employed by the Santa Cruz Museum of Art & 历史.

为什么 did you choose the Marist Florence branch campus? 
I chose the Marist Florence branch campus because not only does it offer an international degree, but it is a beautiful city with world renowned museological institutions.  也, I delighted in the thought of getting lost in the city streets every day.
What is the learning experience like in Florence? 
Learning in Florence is quite the adventure, and 教育 is certainly not limited to the classroom.  This learning experience teaches you how to become an international citizen, 学习语言, 文化, and challenging yourself to break away from the familiar.  甚至在教室里,’ we are given ample opportunities to get out into the museological scene of the city.  在我们的讲座中, 我们被赋予理论和知识, but with access to all state museums of Florence, we are enabled to see it all in action. 
你最喜欢的课是什么? 为什么? 
Museum Development, 管理, and 领导 with Professor Bradburne.  His lectures, along with the guest lecturers from each department (i.e. 教育, 市场营销/公关, 通信等), offered the most fundamental information pertaining to organizational infrastructure of varying museological institutions. Giving a break from history and theory of museums, this course offered the practicality I craved.

What was your most challenging class in Florence? 为什么? 
The most challenging course thus far, during the first semester, was Art and Objects.  With three modules under three different professors, it was difficult to navigate contrasting expectations of projects.  从学生的角度来看, it was a challenge to improve upon feedback received after assignments were turned in.  The parallel drawn within the workforce would then be as though the managerial staff was switched on you once a month--also providing a positive learning experience in professional diversity.
What is your favorite place in Florence? 为什么? 
I enjoy spending time across the river (Oltrarno) at various bars and cafes; it offers a nice respite from the hustle and bustle of high tourist traffic, 还有很棒的氛围.  On this side of the river (Lungarno) I constantly find myself at Palazzo Strozzi—it’s a great central location and hang out spot for locals and visitors alike.

What is your least favorite part of Florence? 为什么? 
What I still struggle with in Florence--and this is true of living in any major city, for that matter--is the tourist traffic. 这不仅仅是逃避未知, massive crowds during frenzied rushes, but also the aggressive vendors (and almost racist and sexist epithets that never seem to end) that come with tourism.  It’s all part of the territory though.  品格的建立!

What type of museum career are you pursuing?
I am most interested in taking on a role that connects museums with the public, 社区参与.  无论是通过教育, 编程, 甚至是展览设计, I am excited to put my energy into it!
What type of internship do you have or plan to have? 在哪里?
I am currently pursuing internships in either 教育al program development, 公共编程, 或者在不同的策展部门.  It is still a work in progress at the moment, 但是地理位置, 我在这里找地方, 在家里, 在太平洋.
在哪里 have you traveled and where do you plan on traveling during your time in 意大利? 
I am well-traveled in Europe; but during this particular stay in 意大利, I have focused on my checklist of cities within Tuscany, 比如圣吉米尼亚诺, Cortona, 佩鲁贾, 锡耶纳, 和五渔村.  I plan to make it out to more countries eventually; Portugal and Greece have been at the top of my list for quite some time.

What is the most interesting difference between Florence and your home country? 
人和生活的方式!  It is fascinating to analyze how living in a different cultural landscape affects personal philosophies and general self-conduct.  Seeing the juxtaposition play out from home to here, and also experiencing yourself in the middle of it all, 通常真的很酷吗. 
What advice would you give to a prospective student considering a Master’s in Museum Studies in Florence? 
This is a very valuable learning experience on all levels--academically, 专业, 就我个人而言.  也, as the wheels of bureaucracy turn ever slowly, make sure to get a jump on applying for visas and other such documents early, and make sure Marist aids you in the process.  应用 for everything early, and be sure you have a grasp on your own self-sufficiency.  否则, the biggest piece of wisdom to offer is to seriously consider the growing pains of a very young program.  Be sure to weigh your expectations and values of a Master’s degree and make sure this program can meet every one of those.
