students 和 faculty in group discussion


传播学院 & 艺术


bet亚洲365欢迎投注,时装设计不仅仅是一门专业——它是一种亲身实践、身临其境的学习体验. 通过吸收设计的理论和历史,并将其应用于现实世界的服装设计,从你的第一学期在bet亚洲365欢迎投注, 你将为时尚设计行业的成功职业生涯做好充分的准备. 


A Foundational Curriculum That Will Help You Flourish

的 时装设计 major relies upon foundational courses such as 文化中的时尚 & 商务创作过程, 然后通过技术和创意设计课程的结合来增强,以创建一个平衡的课程. You’ll develop skills in design, 纺织品, draping 和 flat pattern making, 服装结构, computer-aided design, 并在一年一度的银针秀时装秀上展示自己的服装系列. 时装设计专业的学生还可以选修时装销售和产品开发的辅修课程.


Three Students Capture Prestigious CFDA Awards

三名玛丽斯特时装学院的学生荣获著名的美国时装设计师协会(CFDA)颁发的设计奖学金。. In 2022, there were 372 submissions 和 26 CFDA scholarships awarded nationwide, Marist students Allissa Divak '23, 玛丽娜·马托佐,23岁, Tara Sears '23 earned three. 奖金是25美元,为计划2023年毕业的大三本科生和研究生一年级学生提供奖学金.

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Front Row 和 Backstage at Milan Fashion Week

玛丽斯特大学的学生获得了世界上最独特的时尚活动之一——米兰时装周的前排座位和后台. Nearly two dozen students studying 时装设计, 时尚的商品, global marketing communications 沉浸在被认为是“四大”之一的全球时尚盛事中. Through the College’s partnership with Italian designer 弗朗西斯卡Liberatore, 在重要的行业活动中动手学习,帮助玛丽斯特的时尚课程成为高等教育中最好的课程之一.



在圣母, 我们决心不仅提供教育,而且提供物理工具,以促进您的成功和准备进入时尚行业. Marist has equipped the Steel Plant, the academic building in which fashion students spend much of their time, with the facilities to ensure your best work:


  • 纺织品设计实验室
  • 时装设计工作室
  • Creative Resource Center
  • 的MakerLab, equipped with 3D printers
  • Fashion Exhibition Gallery
  • MPorium fashion retail space

Learn More bet亚洲365欢迎投注 的 Steel Plant>

随着科技在时尚界越来越具有变革性, CLO3D软件, which is a technology that provides true-to-life garment visualization, has been transformative in Marist’s fashion education 和 the industry. Bissell通过这个软件开发了他的技能,并获得了第一届时尚奖学金基金马蒂的光奖学金,以表彰他在男士时尚方面的工作.

Read Mark's Story>

Image of the 银针跑道 fasion show.

H和s-On Industry Experience

bet亚洲365欢迎投注的均衡教育将严格的课堂经验与理想领域的实际应用相结合, the 时装设计 major is no exception. 时装设计 students will find themselves in the 设计工作室 从第一天开始,与专业内外的同事合作项目. 实习 are an essential piece of real-world experience for our 时装设计 majors; in fact, 在 83% of Marist students complete at least one internship. And all their hard work culminates at the annual Silver Nedle Runway Fashion Show, 他们在专业设计师的指导下设计和执行服装系列的完整制作的时装表演, select professional models to walk an industry-grade runway, showcase everything they’ve learned during their time at Marist.

Develop 时装设计 Skills To St和 Out From 的 Crowd

Image of fashion theory icon.


Gain a foundational-level 理解ing of fashion trend theories; begin to effectively anticipate, 理解, utilize basic terminology used to describe fashion, garments 和 纺织品; 和 explain the process of apparel production from concept.
Image of 数码时装设计 icon.


创建技术, 销售, 规范公寓, 以及各种服装细节和时尚人物使用Adobe Illustrator直观地开发服装结构和细节的理解.
Image of 服装结构 icon.


了解织物纹理, 在服装结构中,用手和机缝进行布置和裁剪. Learn professional terminology to describe techniques, 应用程序, 材料, 以及服装部件.
Image of Verbal 和 visual presentation icon.

Verbal 和 Visual Presentation

Image of portfolio development icon.


Determine a personal direction of style 和 content for a portfolio. 特别强调的是展示你的范围在二维和三维的工作, 创意内容, 实验, resolution of designs.
Image of Fashion collection creation icon.

Fashion Collection Creation

Emphasis is placed on: concept origination, 研究方法, 记录设计过程和设计采用中的审美判断, 和更多的.

Career Success in the Fashion Industry

作为Marist的一名服装设计专业的学生,早在毕业前就已经完成了行业经验, you’ll have a competitive edge unlike any other student entering the field. And our students have l和ed the jobs to prove it. 以下只是一些今天自豪地聘用玛丽斯特时尚校友的主要时尚机构的例子:


银针跑道 is the largest event production presented by bet亚洲365欢迎投注. 自1984年以来,该节目继续提高专业知识,专业精神和创造力的水平. t台的特色是由我们才华横溢的高级时装设计学生在专业的t台环境中设计和实现的服装. 2021年春天, 专门的时装表演制作班采用了一种新的方法来展示, 为才华横溢的高年级设计学生创建数字和物理平台来展示他们的作品. This new approach was further exp和ed in 2022 with SNR36.

Watch the video to see the trailer for the SNR36 documentary, or 请访问SNR36网站.

“就在纽约北部, bet亚洲365欢迎投注校区俯瞰哈德逊河,提供了一个更宁静的环境,专注于你的创作过程. How serious is the college about its commitment to fashion? A br和-new, dedicated Digital Arts & 时尚大厦于2019年1月开放,所有最先进的技术都在学生们的指尖上. You can catch the 35th anniversary 银针跑道 时尚毕业生亲自体验马瑞斯特风格."

Read Full Article>

Students walking in front of the rotunda

在圣母, 我们致力于为学生提供全面的文科教育,为他们在各自领域的实践经验和深刻的成功做好准备,我们为此感到自豪. But don't just take our word for it - the numbers speak for themselves.


Of current students are satisfied with their Marist Experience


Graduation rate, higher than the average for public 和 private colleges


Employed or attending grad school 6 months after graduation


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