

传播学院 & 艺术


Ready to turn your passion for art into a successful future? Whether you choose to pursue Marist’s B.S. in 工作室艺术 or a concentration in 工作室艺术 through our B.A. 美术, 我们有工具, 资源, 教师, and facilities to prepare you for a successful career after graduation.

“As I saw the campus with its beautiful river views, 这里立刻有了家的感觉. I noticed that all of the buildings were so updated, and the landscaping was immaculate. Plus, I liked the fact that it was easy to switch majors. I initially wanted to major in digital media, but after a year in that program and taking a few 工作室艺术 courses, I realized that I really wanted to be in the studio, so I switched my major to 工作室艺术 with a minor in graphic design.”

工作室艺术 Major, 平面设计 Minor


Customize Your 工作室艺术 Curriculum

The variety of 工作室艺术 programs available to you as a Marist student allows you to develop a curriculum that is best for your interests in career goals. You can either pursue one of two 工作室艺术 programs:

  • B.S. 工作室美术: hone your skills and harness your artistic potential with this carefully structured series of courses organized to broaden your understanding, 审美意识, and technical abilities in the 工作室艺术s
  • B.S. 美术 with a concentration 工作室美术: an excellent option for students who are planning to double-major or have multiple minors; also encourages customization in specialty tracks: 数字媒体, Drawing, 平面设计, 绘画, 或摄影

Along with the 工作室艺术 program's emphasis on international study and access to our 曼哈顿的bet亚洲365欢迎投注 internship program in 纽约 City, our students also gain exposure to arguably the most important art exhibition in the world–the 威尼斯双年展. The Marist Biennale program is a four-week intensive immersion program in the 工作室艺术s in the 威尼斯双年展. Venice has the quality of being a living museum, and when our 工作室艺术 students arrive in Venice, they are immediately artistically inspired and driven. Watch the video to hear from students who have participated in the Marist Biennale program.



The art 教师 at Marist is composed of full-time and visiting art professionals who are committed to creating a nurturing but challenging environment in which you can explore, 实验, and develop their own personal visions. With small classes and personalized attention, you’re never just a number at Marist. Studio classes are never larger than 20 students, with enrollment in most limited to 15.

Students walking in front of the rotunda

在圣母, we pride ourselves on our dedication to providing our students with a well-rounded liberal arts education that prepares them for practical experience and profound success in their field. But don't just take our word for it - the numbers speak for themselves.


Of current students are satisfied with their Marist Experience


Graduation rate, higher than the average for public and private colleges


Employed or attending grad school 6 months after graduation


Top 50 "Colleges That Create Futures"

U.S. News & 世界报道





