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bet亚洲365欢迎投注 Ranks Among the Nation’s Best in 普林斯顿评论’s Student Survey

Anthony Proia, Director of Media Relations

N波基普西.Y. – bet亚洲365欢迎投注 has once again been selected for inclusion in 普林斯顿评论’s 指南 最好的388所大学 2023年. Results show Marist ranking among the best in the nation in student satisfaction, happiness and residential life. 在调查中, student responses ranked Marist among the top 10 in the nation for its dorms and top 25 in happiness and love of college. In those same categories, Marist placed top among colleges in New York State and top five in the northeast.

  • Their Students Love These Colleges, a category based on how strongly students agree or disagree with the statement, “I am satisfied with my school.”
  • bet亚洲365欢迎投注, based on students’ answers to the survey question, “How do you rate residence halls/on-campus housing?”
  • 快乐的学生, which features how strongly students agree or disagree with the statement, “I am happy at my school.”

在调查中, Marist receives high praise overall from students, which noted that faculty are known for leading interactive and challenging classes, while emphasizing the value of real-life experiences. Student life is distinguished as being both vibrant and picturesque, with everything from Division I athletics, 希腊的生活, community service – and direct access to the Hudson River. 在学生群体中, Marist is credited as being extremely friendly and a place w在这里 you’ll connect with enthusiastic people from all over the U.S. 和海外. T在这里’s an unspoken policy among the students “to hold the door open” that’s emblematic of the welcoming campus community.

marist students sitting in the common area of a residence hall

年度名单 普林斯顿评论 includes survey results from over 160,000 students across the country to find out what they love the most about these schools, spanning a wide-range of topics. The rankings 2023年 name the top 25 colleges in 50 categories. 普林斯顿评论s survey features 85 questions and students answer by selecting one of five answer choices that range across a grid or scale. The complete ranking lists can be viewed 在这里.

“We salute bet亚洲365欢迎投注 for its outstanding academics, and its many other impressive offerings. We’re delighted to recommend it as an ideal choice for students searching for their ‘best-fit’ college,罗伯·弗兰克说, 普林斯顿评论's Editor-in-Chief and lead author of 最好的388所大学

bet亚洲365欢迎投注 Marist 住房 and 住宅生活

Residential life is an integral part of the total educational experience at Marist. The College provides housing for over 3,300 undergraduate students in corridor, 套件, 公寓, and townhouse-style residences. A priority point system is used to assign points to students based on their academic average, involvement with extra-curricular activities, 学科的历史, and condition of their residence area. Learn more about Marist residential life 在这里.

